Whether you are starting a business from scratch or just need a few questions answered, we can help you. At Robinson & Geraldo we are dedicated to excellence. With over twenty years of serving central PA’s legal needs, we can take you through the process of incorporation, drafting contracts or just providing general legal counsel.
The first step is to make an appointment to consult with one of our experienced business lawyers in the Harrisburg, PA or Washington, DC area. We will discuss with you, our valued client, background information about our law firm, your legal issues, applicable laws, regulations and rules as they pertain to your case. We will then devise a case strategy and set forth the procedures, timetables, and fee structure. It is our job to treat you as an individual with an individual problem, guiding you through the necessary steps, always keeping in mind your issues, goals, and what you ultimately desire in your legal matter. Additionally, our law firm remains accessible when the ends are achieved for any future legal needs.
For your convenience we have provided links on business resources in the following sections. However, we strongly encourage you to first make an appointment with one of our attorneys to discuss your legal matter.
- Pennsylvania Department of State
- Pennsylvania Corporation Bureau
- Ways to Organize your Business
- Forming a Partnership: This section contains general information about partnerships.
- Partnership FAQ’s
- Partnership Basics: This section contains general information about terminating a partnership.
- Contracts – An Overview: Basic contract information from the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School .
- Keeping Your Contracts Simple — and Enforceable: Provides the small business owner with all the essential items that a well-written contract should have.

Call Now For An Initial Consultation
(717) 232-8525